Results for 'L. E. Cross'

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  1.  17
    VII. A thermodynamic treatment of ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity in pseudo-cubic dielectrics.L. E. Cross - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (1):76-92.
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  2. Cross Cultural Research on Perception of Possibilities.L. E. Tyler & N. D. Sundberg - 1991 - In Michael I. Posner, B. Dwivedi & I. Singh, Contemporary Approaches to Cognitive Psychology. Rishi Publications. pp. 17--29.
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    Cross-modal, bidirectional priming in grapheme-color synesthesia.Chris L. E. Paffen, Maarten J. Van der Smagt & Tanja C. W. Nijboer - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:325-333.
  4.  94
    The Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By GER Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi+ 175. Price not given. The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi+ 154. [REVIEW]Thomas L. Kennedy Philadelphia, Cross-Cultural Perspectives By K. Ramakrishna, Constituting Communities, Theravada Buddhism, Jacob N. Kinnard Holt & Jonathan S. Walters Albany - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):110-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By G.E.R. Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 175. Price not given.The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi + 154. Paper $10.00.The Autobiography of Jamgön Kongtrul: A Gem of Many Colors. By Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrön (...)
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  5. Relations and the Trinity: The Case of Henry of Ghent and John Duns Scotus.Richard Cross - 2005 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 16:1-21.
    Dopo una premessa in cui si precisano le finalità dell'articolo e si fa il punto sugli antecedenti della discussione, concentrandosi sulle trattazioni teologiche degli autori del sec. XII, l'A. studia gli sviluppi offerti da Enrico di Gand alla teoria agostiniana delle relazioni applicata alle tre persone della Trinità. La seconda parte dello studio è dedicata alla risposta elaborata da Duns Scoto alla posizione di Enrico: fondandosi su differenti elaborazioni della teoria della relazione , i due autori analizzzano le proprietà delle (...)
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  6. New books. [REVIEW]Austin Duncan-Jones, C. D. Broad, William Kneale, Martha Kneale, L. J. Russell, D. J. Allan, S. Körner, Percy Black, J. O. Urmson, Stephen Toulmin, J. J. C. Smart, Antony Flew, R. C. Cross, George E. Hughes, John Holloway, D. Daiches Raphael, J. P. Corbett, E. A. Gellner, G. P. Henderson, W. von Leyden, P. L. Heath, Margaret Macdonald, B. Mayo, P. H. Nowell-Smith, J. N. Findlay & A. M. MacIver - 1950 - Mind 59 (235):389-431.
  7. The Complexity of H-wave Amplitude Fluctuations and Their Bilateral Cross-Covariance Are Modified According to the Previous Fitness History of Young Subjects under Track Training.Maria E. Ceballos-Villegas, Juan J. Saldaña Mena, Ana L. Gutierrez Lozano, Francisco J. Sepúlveda-Cañamar, Nayeli Huidobro, Elias Manjarrez & Joel Lomeli - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:285728.
    The Hoffmann reflex (H-wave) is produced by alpha-motoneuron activation in the spinal cord. A feature of this electromyography response is that it exhibits fluctuations in amplitude even during repetitive stimulation with the same intensity of current. We herein explore the hypothesis that physical training induces plastic changes in the motor system. Such changes are evaluated with the fractal dimension (FD) analysis of the H-wave amplitude-fluctuations (H-wave FD) and the cross-covariance (CCV) between the bilateral H-wave amplitudes. The aim of this (...)
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    Hazardous intersections: Crossing disciplinary lines in developmental psychology.Linda L. Sperry, Peggy J. Miller & Douglas E. Sperry - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (1):93-112.
    This article extends Lemieux’s concern for the interdisciplinary tension between philosophy and sociology to the intradisciplinary tension within psychology between approaches to the study of children focusing on universal principles and approaches adopting a contextual lens. This tension arises both in how development is defined and in the methods chosen for its study. This tension is exemplified in terms of the recent American preoccupation with the Word Gap (WG), a supposed difference of 30 million words heard by socioeconomically diverse children (...)
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    I romanzi antichi e il Cristianesimo: contesto e contatti.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2001; 2012 - Eugene, USA: Wipf & Stock, Cascade Books.
    Ramelli undertakes for the first time a systematic investigation of the possible knowledge of Christianity in a group of novels, all dated between the first and third century CE, and belonging to geographical areas in which Christianity was present at that time. She endeavors to point out the meaning that possible allusions had for the public addressed by those novels. . . . The results of her research are, in my opinion, of the highest interest. . . . Her work (...)
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  10.  62
    Does the Body Survive Death? Cultural Variation in Beliefs About Life Everlasting.E. Watson-Jones Rachel, T. A. Busch Justin, L. Harris Paul & H. Legare Cristine - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S3):455-476.
    Mounting evidence suggests that endorsement of psychological continuity and the afterlife increases with age. This developmental change raises questions about the cognitive biases, social representations, and cultural input that may support afterlife beliefs. To what extent is there similarity versus diversity across cultures in how people reason about what happens after death? The objective of this study was to compare beliefs about the continuation of biological and psychological functions after death in Tanna, Vanuatu, and the United States. Children, adolescents, and (...)
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  11. Neurochemistry Predicts Convergence of Written and Spoken Language: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Cross-Modal Language Integration.Stephanie N. Del Tufo, Stephen J. Frost, Fumiko Hoeft, Laurie E. Cutting, Peter J. Molfese, Graeme F. Mason, Douglas L. Rothman, Robert K. Fulbright & Kenneth R. Pugh - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:378667.
    Recent studies have provided evidence of associations between neurochemistry and reading (dis)ability (Pugh et al., 2014). Based on a long history of studies indicating that fluent reading entails the automatic convergence of the written and spoken forms of language and our recently proposed Neural Noise Hypothesis (Hancock et al., 2017), we hypothesized that individual differences in cross-modal integration would mediate, at least partially, the relationship between neurochemical concentrations and reading. Cross-modal integration was measured in 231 children using a (...)
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  12.  24
    The importance of researcher's gender in the in-depth interview:: Evidence from two case studies of male nurses.E. Joel Heikes & Christine L. Williams - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (2):280-291.
    Sociologists who use in-depth interview methods have become sensitized to the ways that race-ethnicity and class can form barriers to rapport with respondents, but the question of gender has been largely unexamined. This article compares data from two independently conducted in-depth interview studies of male nurses: one by a female researcher and one by a male researcher. Observed differences in how the men in the samples framed their responses to questions in the two studies are discussed. It is argued that (...)
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  13. Terms for Eternity. Αἰώνιος and ἀίδιος in Classical and Christian Authors.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli & David Konstan - 2007; 2011; 2013 - Gorgias.
    What is truly timeless? This book explores the language of eternity, and in particular two ancient Greek terms that may bear the sense of eternal : aiônios and aïdios. This fascinating linguistic chronicle is marked by several milestones that correspond to the emergence of new perspectives on the nature of eternity. These milestones include the advent of Pre-Socratic physical speculation and the notion of limitless time in ancient philosophy, the major shift in orientation marked by Plato s idea of a (...)
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  14.  18
    Reporting of sex and gender in randomized controlled trials in Canada: a cross-sectional methods study.S. Tudiver, V. Runnels, T. Rader, B. Shea, L. Quinlan, L. Puil, J. Petkovic, A. Pederson, J. Pardo Pardo, Z. Marshall, S. E. Coen, M. Boscoe, J. Jull, M. Yoganathan, M. Doull & V. Welch - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundAccurate reporting on sex and gender in health research is integral to ensuring that health interventions are safe and effective. In Canada and internationally, governments, research organizations, journal editors, and health agencies have called for more inclusive research, provision of sex-disaggregated data, and the integration of sex and gender analysis throughout the research process. Sex and gender analysis is generally defined as an approach for considering how and why different subpopulations (e.g., of diverse genders, ages, and social locations) may experience (...)
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  15. Patient-targeted Googling and social media: a cross-sectional study of senior medical students.Aaron N. Chester, Susan E. Walthert, Stephen J. Gallagher, Lynley C. Anderson & Michael L. Stitely - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-8.
    Background Social media and Internet technologies present several emerging and ill-explored issues for a modern healthcare workforce. One issue is patient-targeted Googling, which involves a healthcare professional using a social networking site or publicly available search engine to find patient information online. The study’s aim was to address a deficit in data and knowledge regarding PTG, and to investigate medical student use of SNSs due to a close association with PTG. Method The authors surveyed final year medical students at the (...)
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  16. Introducing the Oxford Vocal (OxVoc) Sounds database: a validated set of non-acted affective sounds from human infants, adults, and domestic animals.Christine E. Parsons, Katherine S. Young, Michelle G. Craske, Alan L. Stein & Morten L. Kringelbach - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:92322.
    Sound moves us. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our responses to genuine emotional vocalizations, be they heartfelt distress cries or raucous laughter. Here, we present perceptual ratings and a description of a freely available, large database of natural affective vocal sounds from human infants, adults and domestic animals, the Oxford Vocal (OxVoc) Sounds database. This database consists of 173 non-verbal sounds expressing a range of happy, sad, and neutral emotional states. Ratings are presented for the sounds on a (...)
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  17.  62
    It does belong together: cross-modal correspondences influence cross-modal integration during perceptual learning.Lionel Brunel, Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:121086.
    Experiencing a stimulus in one sensory modality is often associated with an experience in another sensory modality. For instance, seeing a lemon might produce a sensation of sourness. This might indicate some kind of cross-modal correspondence between vision and gustation. The aim of the current study was to provide explore whether such cross-modal correspondences influence cross-modal integration during perceptual learning. To that end, we conducted 2 experiments. Using a speeded classification task, Experiment 1 established a cross-modal (...)
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  18.  60
    Experimental study of phantom colours in a colour blind synaesthete.M. Hochel, E. G. Milan, A. González, F. Tornay, K. McKenney, R. Díaz Caviedes, J. L. Mata Martín, Rodriguez Artacho, E. Domínguez García & J. Vila - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (4):75-95.
    Synaesthesia is a condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces photisms, i.e. mental percepts of colours. R is a 20 year old colour blind subject who, in addition to the relatively common grapheme-colour synaesthesia, presents a rarely reported cross modal perception in which a variety of visual stimuli elicit aura-like percepts of colour. In R, photisms seem to be closely related to the affective valence of stimuli (...)
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    Experimental study of phantom colours in a colour blind synaesthete.M. Hochel, E. G. Milan, A. Gonzalez, F. Tornay, K. McKenney, R. Diaz Caviedes, J. L. Mata Martin, M. A. Rodriguez Artacho, E. Dominguez Garcia & J. Vila - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (4):75-95.
    Synaesthesia is a condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces photisms, i.e. mental percepts of colours. R is a 20 year old colour blind subject who, in addition to the relatively common grapheme-colour synaesthesia, presents a rarely reported cross modal perception in which a variety of visual stimuli elicit aura-like percepts of colour. In R, photisms seem to be closely related to the affective valence of stimuli (...)
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  20.  45
    Stepping Beyond the Newtonian Paradigm in Biology. Towards an Integrable Model of Life: Accelerating Discovery in the Biological Foundations of Science.Plamen L. Simeonov, Edwin Brezina, Ron Cottam, Andreé C. Ehresmann, Arran Gare, Ted Goranson, Jaime Gomez-­‐Ramirez, Brian D. Josephson, Bruno Marchal, Koichiro Matsuno, Robert S. Root-­Bernstein, Otto E. Rössler, Stanley N. Salthe, Marcin Schroeder, Bill Seaman & Pridi Siregar - 2012 - In Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith & Andrée C. Ehresmann, Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. Springer. pp. 328-427.
    The INBIOSA project brings together a group of experts across many disciplines who believe that science requires a revolutionary transformative step in order to address many of the vexing challenges presented by the world. It is INBIOSA’s purpose to enable the focused collaboration of an interdisciplinary community of original thinkers. This paper sets out the case for support for this effort. The focus of the transformative research program proposal is biology-centric. We admit that biology to date has been more fact-oriented (...)
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    Measuring Interdisciplinary Research Categories and Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study of Connections between Cognitive Science and Education.Alan L. Porter, Stephen F. Carley, Caitlin Cassidy, Jan Youtie, David J. Schoeneck, Seokbeom Kwon & Gregg E. A. Solomon - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (4):582-618.
    This is a “bottom-up” paper in the sense that it draws lessons in defining disciplinary categories under study from a series of empirical studies of interdisciplinarity. In particular, we are in the process of studying the interchange of research-based knowledge between Cognitive Science and Educational Research. This has posed a set of design decisions that we believe warrant consideration as others study cross-disciplinary research processes.
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    Sexual attractions and boundary crossings among sport psychology graduate students and professionals.Macey L. Arnold, Tess M. Palmateer & Trent Petrie - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (2):115-129.
    The training relationship between sport psychology professionals (SPPs) and their students is a critical aspect of graduate training. Maintaining ethical, appropriate boundaries within training relationships is imperative, as boundary crossings can have deleterious effects on students. SPPs (N = 152) and Sport Psychology graduate students (N = 165) completed The Survey of Applied Sport Psychologists to explore their experiences and perceptions of sexual attractions and boundary crossings within training relationships. Nearly 30% of SPPs acknowledged sexual attractions toward their students, yet (...)
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  23.  48
    A vignette study to examine health care professionals' attitudes towards patient involvement in error prevention.David L. B. Schwappach, Olga Frank & Rachel E. Davis - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):840-848.
    Background Various authorities recommend the participation of patients in promoting patient safety, but little is known about health care professionals' (HCPs') attitudes towards patients' involvement in safety-related behaviours. Objective To investigate how HCPs evaluate patients' behaviours and HCP responses to patient involvement in the behaviour, relative to different aspects of the patient, the involved HCP and the potential error. Design Cross-sectional fractional factorial survey with seven factors embedded in two error scenarios (missed hand hygiene, medication error). Each survey included (...)
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  24. (8 other versions)Stepping Beyond the Newtonian Paradigm in Biology. Towards an Integrable Model of Life: Accelerating Discovery in the Biological Foundations of Science.Plamen L. Simeonov, Edwin Brezina, Ron Cottam, Andreé C. Ehresmann, Arran Gare, Ted Goranson, Jaime Gomez-­‐Ramirez, Brian D. Josephson, Bruno Marchal, Koichiro Matsuno, Robert S. Root-­Bernstein, Otto E. Rössler, Stanley N. Salthe, Marcin Schroeder, Bill Seaman & Pridi Siregar - 2012 - In Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith & Andrée C. Ehresmann, Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. Springer. pp. 328-427.
    The INBIOSA project brings together a group of experts across many disciplines who believe that science requires a revolutionary transformative step in order to address many of the vexing challenges presented by the world. It is INBIOSA’s purpose to enable the focused collaboration of an interdisciplinary community of original thinkers. This paper sets out the case for support for this effort. The focus of the transformative research program proposal is biology-centric. We admit that biology to date has been more fact-oriented (...)
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    哲思的前進:生命倫理學的反思與價值重構.Y. E. Chenlu & L. I. U. Bojing - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (2):73-76.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 每當我們提及生命倫理學時,不可避免要提及的話題:生命倫理的終極指徵是什麼?是從道德的層面教導人類向善?還是要從技術的維度延長人類的壽命?是要規範人類的行為準則?亦或是要恪守人類的道德底線?誠然,從不同 的學科分野下,對於生命倫理學的探究一直未曾停止,但是Joseph Tham “Bioethics: Cross-Cultural Explorations”一文:卻從更為原初的層面向我們闡釋了生命或者説是理念的價值所在。(撮要取自內文首段) Emerging developments in science and technology have changed the “relationships” between people in the traditional sense, and life has been carved more and more rounded, but at the same time, it has smoothed out the “edges” of life. Science and technology have begun to erode bioethics under the guise of reason, as the standards for “good” or “evil” are no longer defined by human (...)
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  26.  13
    Using Action Research to Improve Instruction: An Interactive Guide for Teachers.John E. Henning, Jody M. Stone & James L. Kelly - 2008 - Routledge.
    Action research is increasingly used as a means for teachers to improve their instruction, yet for many the idea of doing "research" can be somewhat intimidating. _Using Action Research to Improve Instruction_ offers a comprehensive, easy-to-understand approach to action research in classroom settings. This engaging and accessible guide is grounded in sources of data readily available to teachers, such as classroom observations, student writing, surveys, interviews, and tests. Organized to mirror the action research process, the highly interactive format prompts readers (...)
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    Negative self-referent cognition predicts future depression symptom change: an intensive sampling approach.Rachel L. Weisenburger, Justin Dainer-Best, Mackenzie Zisser, Mary E. McNamara & Christopher G. Beevers - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Cognitive theories of depression assert that negative self-referent cognition has a causal role in the development and maintenance of depression symptoms, but few studies have examined temporal associations between these constructs using intensive, longitudinal sampling strategies. In three samples of undergraduate students, we examined associations between change in self-referent processing and depression across 5 daily assessments (Sample 1, N = 303, 1,194 measurements, 79% adherence), 7 daily assessments (Sample 2, N = 313, 1,784 measurements, 81% adherence), and 7 weekly assessments (...)
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    Selective citation in scientific literature on the human health effects of bisphenol A.M. P. Zeegers, L. M. Bouter, G. M. H. Swaen, B. Duyx & M. J. E. Urlings - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    IntroductionBisphenol A is highly debated and studied in relation to a variety of health outcomes. This large variation in the literature makes BPA a topic that is prone to selective use of literature, in order to underpin one’s own findings and opinion. Over time, selective use of literature, by means of citations, can lead to a skewed knowledge development and a biased scientific consensus. In this study, we assess which factors drive citation and whether this results in the overrepresentation of (...)
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    Barriers to Completion of Healthcare Proxy Forms: A Qualitative Analysis of Ethnic Differences.R. S. Morrison, L. H. Zayas, M. Mulvihill, S. A. Baskin & D. E. Meier - 1998 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (2):118-126.
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    Cross-Examining Socrates: A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato's Early Dialogues. [REVIEW]Mark L. McPherran - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (4):583-584.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cross-Examining Socrates. A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato’s Early DialoguesMark L. McPherranJohn Beversluis. Cross-Examining Socrates. A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato’s Early Dialogues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 416. Cloth, $69.95.This book is a valuable and thoroughly-researched contribution to the study of Plato's Socratic dialogues. Its fine qualities stem in part from its cathartic motivations: for years Beversluis suppressed his ever-growing (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)Religion and the Reign of Science. By F. L. Cross M.A., B.Sc., (London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1930).E. S. Waterhouse - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (22):268-.
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  32. Experimental ordinary language philosophy: a cross-linguistic study of defeasible default inferences.Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt, Joachim Horvath & Hiroshi Ohtani - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1029-1070.
    This paper provides new tools for philosophical argument analysis and fresh empirical foundations for ‘critical’ ordinary language philosophy. Language comprehension routinely involves stereotypical inferences with contextual defeaters. J.L. Austin’s Sense and Sensibilia first mooted the idea that contextually inappropriate stereotypical inferences from verbal case-descriptions drive some philosophical paradoxes; these engender philosophical problems that can be resolved by exposing the underlying fallacies. We build on psycholinguistic research on salience effects to explain when and why even perfectly competent speakers cannot help making (...)
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    Carol Cronin Weisfeld, Glenn E. Weisfeld, and Lisa Dillon, eds. The Psychology of Marriage: An Evolutionary and Cross-Cultural View.Dorothy J. Shedlock & Rebecca L. Burch - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (2):131-134.
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    Making the business case for corporate social responsibility and perceived trustworthiness: A cross‐stakeholder analysis.Jared L. Peifer & David T. Newman - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):161-181.
    The business case for corporate social responsibility (CSR) suggests that by doing good (i.e., engaging in CSR) a firm will do well (i.e., be profitable), and this notion has permeated the linguistic sensemaking of firm actors. But how are firms that articulate business‐case justifications evaluated by various stakeholders? We hypothesize that the way firms communicate their CSR engagement (i.e., accompanied by business‐case justifications or not) differentially impacts stakeholders’ perceived integrity, benevolence and ability trustworthiness of the firm. Conducting the same online (...)
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  35. Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide among physicians in Vermont.A. Craig, B. Cronin, W. Eward, J. Metz, L. Murray, G. Rose, E. Suess & M. E. Vergara - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (7):400-403.
    Background: Legislation on physician-assisted suicide is being considered in a number of states since the passage of the Oregon Death With Dignity Act in 1994. Opinion assessment surveys have historically assessed particular subsets of physicians.Objective: To determine variables predictive of physicians’ opinions on PAS in a rural state, Vermont, USA.Design: Cross-sectional mailing survey.Participants: 1052 physicians licensed by the state of Vermont.Results: Of the respondents, 38.2% believed PAS should be legalised, 16.0% believed it should be prohibited and 26.0% believed it (...)
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  36.  62
    Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages.Alessandro Capone, Una Stojnic, Ernie Lepore, Denis Delfitto, Anne Reboul, Gaetano Fiorin, Kenneth A. Taylor, Jonathan Berg, Herbert L. Colston, Sanford C. Goldberg, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka, Magdalena Sztencel, Sarah E. Duffy, Alessandra Falzone, Paola Pennisi, Péter Furkó, András Kertész, Ágnes Abuczki, Alessandra Giorgi, Sona Haroutyunian, Marina Folescu, Hiroko Itakura, John C. Wakefield, Hung Yuk Lee, Sumiyo Nishiguchi, Brian E. Butler, Douglas Robinson, Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders, Grazia Basile, Antonino Bucca, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri & Kobie van Krieken (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume addresses the intriguing issue of indirect reports from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributors include philosophers, theoretical linguists, socio-pragmaticians, and cognitive scientists. The book is divided into four sections following the provenance of the authors. Combining the voices from leading and emerging authors in the field, it offers a detailed picture of indirect reports in the world’s languages and their significance for theoretical linguistics. Building on the previous book on indirect reports in this series, this volume adds an empirical (...)
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    Ethical Leadership: Assessing the Value of a Multifoci Social Exchange Perspective. [REVIEW]S. Duane Hansen, Bradley J. Alge, Michael E. Brown, Christine L. Jackson & Benjamin B. Dunford - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (3):435-449.
    In this study, we comprehensively examine the relationships between ethical leadership, social exchange, and employee commitment. We find that organizational and supervisory ethical leadership are positively related to employee commitment to the organization and supervisor, respectively. We also find that different types of social exchange relationships mediate these relationships. Our results suggest that the application of a multifoci social exchange perspective to the context of ethical leadership is indeed useful: As hypothesized, within-foci effects (e.g., the relationship between organizational ethical leadership (...)
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    From Data to Causes III: Bayesian Priors for General Cross-Lagged Panel Models (GCLM).Michael J. Zyphur, Ellen L. Hamaker, Louis Tay, Manuel Voelkle, Kristopher J. Preacher, Zhen Zhang, Paul D. Allison, Dean C. Pierides, Peter Koval & Edward F. Diener - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:612251.
    This article describes some potential uses of Bayesian estimation for time-series and panel data models by incorporating information from prior probabilities (i.e., priors) in addition to observed data. Drawing on econometrics and other literatures we illustrate the use of informative “shrinkage” or “small variance” priors (including so-called “Minnesota priors”) while extending prior work on the general cross-lagged panel model (GCLM). Using a panel dataset of national income and subjective well-being (SWB) we describe three key benefits of these priors. First, (...)
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  39. Using experience sampling to examine links between compassion, eudaimonia, and prosocial behavior.Jason D. Runyan, Brian N. Fry, Timothy A. Steenbergh, Nathan L. Arbuckle, Kristen Dunbar & Erin E. Devers - 2019 - Journal of Personality 87 (3):690-701.
    Objective: Compassion has been associated with eudaimonia and prosocial behavior, and has been regarded as a virtue, both historically and cross-culturally. However, the psychological study of compassion has been limited to laboratory settings and/or standard survey assessments. Here, we use an experience sampling method (ESM) to compare naturalistic assessments of compassion with standard assessments, and to examine compassion, its variability, and associations with eudaimonia and prosocial behavior. -/- Methods: Participants took a survey which included standard assessments of compassion and (...)
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    Early Life Stress and the Fate of Kynurenine Pathway Metabolites.Jeremy D. Coplan, Roza George, Shariful A. Syed, Annalam V. Rozenboym, Jean E. Tang, Sasha L. Fulton & Tarique D. Perera - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Early life stress precedes alterations to neuro-immune activation, which may mediate an increased risk for stress-related psychiatric disorders, potentially through alterations of central kynurenine pathway metabolites, the latter being relatively unexplored. We hypothesized that ELS in a non-human primate model would lead to a reduction of neuroprotective and increases of neurotoxic KP metabolites. Twelve adult female bonnet macaques reared under conditions of maternal variable foraging demand were compared to 27 age- and weight-matched non-VFD-exposed female controls. Baseline behavioral observations of social (...)
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    The Relative Reinforcing Value of Cookies Is Higher Among Head Start Preschoolers With Obesity.Sally G. Eagleton, Jennifer L. Temple, Kathleen L. Keller, Michele E. Marini & Jennifer S. Savage - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The relative reinforcing value of food measures how hard someone will work for a high-energy-dense food when an alternative reward is concurrently available. Higher RRV for HED food has been linked to obesity, yet this association has not been examined in low-income preschool-age children. Further, the development of individual differences in the RRV of food in early childhood is poorly understood. This cross-sectional study tested the hypothesis that the RRV of HED to low-energy-dense food would be greater in children (...)
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    Antecedents and Moderation Effects of Maladaptive Coping Behaviors Among German University Students.Lina Marie Mülder, Nicole Deci, Antonia Maria Werner, Jennifer L. Reichel, Ana Nanette Tibubos, Sebastian Heller, Markus Schäfer, Daniel Pfirrmann, Dennis Edelmann, Pavel Dietz, Manfred E. Beutel, Stephan Letzel & Thomas Rigotti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Prolonging working hours and presenteeism have been conceptualized as self-endangering coping behaviors in employees, which are related to health impairment. Drawing upon the self-regulation of behavior model, the goal achievement process, and Warr's vitamin model, we examined the antecedents and moderation effects regarding quantitative demands, autonomy, emotion regulation, and self-motivation competence of university students' self-endangering coping behaviors. Results from a cross-sectional survey of 3,546 German university students indicate that quantitative demands are positively related and autonomy has a u-shape connection (...)
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    Auras in mysticism and synaesthesia: A comparison.M. A. Rodríguez Artacho, L. C. Delgado-Pastor, A. González-Hernández, M. Hochel, O. Iborra, E. Salazar & E. G. Milán - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):258-268.
    In a variety of synaesthesia, photisms result from affect-laden stimuli as emotional words, or faces of familiar people. For R, who participated in this study, the sight of a familiar person triggers a mental image of "a human silhouette filled with colour". Subjective descriptions of synaesthetic experiences induced by the visual perception of people's figures and faces show similarities with the reports of those who claim to possess the ability to see the aura. It has been proposed that the purported (...)
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    Forgiveness Mediates the Relationship Between Middle Frontal Gyrus Volume and Clinical Symptoms in Adolescents.Eleanor M. Schuttenberg, Jennifer T. Sneider, David H. Rosmarin, Julia E. Cohen-Gilbert, Emily N. Oot, Anna M. Seraikas, Elena R. Stein, Arkadiy L. Maksimovskiy, Sion K. Harris & Marisa M. Silveri - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Dispositional forgiveness is positively associated with many facets of wellbeing and has protective implications against depression and anxiety in adolescents. However, little work has been done to examine neurobiological aspects of forgiveness as they relate to clinical symptoms. In order to better understand the neural mechanisms supporting the protective role of forgiveness in adolescents, the current study examined the middle frontal gyrus, which comprises the majority of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and is associated with cognitive regulation, and its relationship to (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Symbolic meaning of number four in european spiritual poetry (T. S. Eliot, E. Swartz).L. N. Tatarinova - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (1):49--56.
    The article is devoted to the four principle realization in the creative work of two poets, namely the English literature classic T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) and a representative of the Russian poetry Elena Swarz (1948-2010). Number four is a structural principle in their works composition and crucifix of Christ. On the example of the two poets the author shows that on the one hand, the symbol of four is a cosmic transversalism of being and the cross image, on the other. (...)
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    Crossing and Not Crossing: Gender, Sexualityand Melancholy in the European Court of Human RightsChristine Goodwin v. United Kingdom(Application no. 28957/95) [2002] I.R.L.R. 664,[2002] 2 F.L.R. 487, [2002] 2 F.C.R. 577,(2002) 35 E.H.R.R. 18, 13 B.H.R.C. 120, (2002)67 B.M.L.R. 199, I v. United Kingdom(Application no. 25680/94) [2002] 2 F.L.R. 518, [2002] 2 F.C.R. 613 (ECHR). [REVIEW]Ralph Sandland - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11 (2):191-209.
    In the cases of Goodwin v. U.K.and I. v. U.K. the European Court of Human Rights held the U.K. Government to be in breach of Articles 8 and 12 of the European Convention for denying certain rights and entitlements, particularly the right to marry, to post-operative transsexuals. This article argues that although on some level these are welcome decisions, they are also conservative and recuperative in that they seek to shore up traditional binarist ideas of gender and sexuality. The article (...)
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    Preparedness and phobias: Specific evolved associations or a generalized expectancy bias?Graham C. L. Davey - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):289-297.
    Most phobias are focussed on a small number of fear-inducing stimuli (e.g., snakes, spiders). A review of the evidence supporting biological and cognitive explanations of this uneven distribution of phobias suggests that the readiness with which such stimuli become associated with aversive outcomes arises from biases in the processing of information about threatening stimuli rather than from phylogenetically based associative predispositions or “biological preparedness.” This cognitive bias, consisting of a heightened expectation of aversive outcomes following fear-relevant stimuli, generates and maintains (...)
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    Plato: A Collection of Critical Essays. [REVIEW]S. L. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):572-574.
    Modern Studies in Philosophy, we are informed on the page facing the title-page, "is a series of anthologies presenting contemporary interpretations and evaluations of the works of major philosophers." The volumes are "intended to be contributions to contemporary debates as well as to the history of philosophy; they not only trace the origins of many problems important to modern philosophy, but also introduce major philosophers as interlocutors in current discussions." In the first of the two volumes on Plato three of (...)
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    To center or not to center? Investigating inertia with a multilevel autoregressive model.Ellen L. Hamaker & Raoul P. P. P. Grasman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:121866.
    Whether level 1 predictors should be centered per cluster has received considerable attention in the multilevel literature. While most agree that there is no one preferred approach, it has also been argued that cluster mean centering is desirable when the within-cluster slope and the between-cluster slope are expected to deviate, and the main interest is in the within-cluster slope. However, we show in a series of simulations that if one has a multilevel autoregressive model in which the level 1 predictor (...)
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    Planning and Its Function in Our Lives.Michael E. Bratman - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (1):1-15.
    Our capacity for planning agency is a core capacity that underlies interrelated forms of mind-shaped practical organization: cross-temporal organization of individual agency, shared agency, social rules, and rule-guided organized institutions. A function of our capacity for planning agency is the support of these forms of practical organization. I highlight Peter Godfrey-Smith's contrast between the ‘Wright function’ of something as ‘the effect it has which explains why it is there’ and ‘Cummins functions’ that ‘are capacities or effects of components of (...)
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